‘Science is cool’

Fortepan / Semmelweis Egyetem Levéltára

Due to differences in school systems between Ukraine and Austria, Ukrainian adolescents often enter university earlier than Austrian students. This episode of the Knowledgeable Youth podcast discusses the variations in higher education. The students’ conversation centres around Agata Zysiak’s article ‘Bleaching Blue Collars’ that draws insights from the experiences of first-generation students under state socialism in Poland and the barriers they faced when trying to enter university. The students share their own thoughts about entering university and the difficulties and challenges they might encounter in Vienna.

Listen to the episode right here: 

And continue with reading: 

Socialist reform and modernization in post-WWII Poland opened the higher-education gate to underprivileged students. But early streaming to vocational school and societal expectations remained as barriers. What became of the working-class freshers who made it to the lofty heights of academia?


Updating common knowledge

Have you ever wondered how the results of scientific research get written up, published, disseminated and, in some cases, eventually accepted as conventional wisdom? How do those obscure academic articles in hard-to-remember journals contribute to our everyday understanding of the world around us? Are you perplexed over how science says one thing today only to […]

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Just ourselves

In his 1993 book Pleasant the Scholar’s Life: Irish Intellectuals and the Construction of the Nation State, Maurice Goldring emphasised the role of intellectuals in shaping Irish cultural nationalism. He distinguished between revolts and revolutions. Without some articulation of ideas that might drive change a revolt could never become a revolution: ‘Gavroche, in Les Misérables, […]

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Capitalism’s misunderstood architects

John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich von Hayek published their landmark works over 75 years ago, so why do their ideas still generate such debate today? Kritika & Kontext devotes a special issue to a re-evaluation of these two 20th-century behemoths in economic thought – one a staunch advocate of government intervention in markets, the other […]

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